Download cerious software
Download cerious software

download cerious software

So cancel the dialog, ignore the warning and continue. Actually I'm not sure being root would help anyway. Unless you installed Crossover as root you will not be able to do this. When you start TP, a dialog will appear advising you to label "drive_z".You should also find that Crossover will create a desktop icon and a menu item for it.

download cerious software

Install ThumbsPlus! version 6 or 7 using the Crossover Installer.Simply installing the MDAC2.5, (which you can download from Cerious Software's FTP server), seems not to work in this instance. The prior installation of M$ office seems to cater for this dependency. By default TP stores thumbnails in a Microsoft Access data file. ThumbsPlus has an important Microsoft dependency for its data access. Install a full Microsoft Office 2000 or 2002 first into this wine bottle.

Download cerious software