Dredge edh deck
Dredge edh deck

dredge edh deck

When first theorycrafting a deck, I often find myself going to Scryfall and liberally using their advanced search option. This fella looks like a 0-power critter to me Knowing all of this, what's a Nethroi deck look like on a budget? Let's find out. Simply put, they are inefficient and there are more powerful (read: expensive) things you can be playing. Yes, you can certainly play cards like Rise from the Grave and Beacon of Unrest, but there is a reason these cards are as cheap as they are.

dredge edh deck

On top of all of that, reanimator decks are not known for being budget-friendly. Nethroi may not be the most efficient and game-breaking option, but it's certainly one of the more interesting options to build around.

dredge edh deck

Rise of the Dark Realms is $15 and nine mana. Living Death reanimates your entire graveyard, but does so at the cost of your current board while also allowing your opponents to do the same. Eerie Ultimatum has a much higher ceiling, but it's also much more difficult to cast. Checking out the Reanimator page shows us a number of mass reanimation spells that we can compare Nethroi with. Paying seven mana to reanimate 10 power worth of creatures is already a solid deal.

Dredge edh deck